What is an XOplanet?
First, we’ve got to talk about what is an EXOPLANET? According to NASA, an exoplanet is any planet beyond our solar system. And NASA has been busy identifying and cataloging – 5171 to date – the amazing mysteries of the universe.
Enter XOplanets… Inspired by authentic NASA-confirmed metadata, we are bringing their catalog of 5171 planets to life by launching a limited edition NFT collection called XOplanets. Each XOplanet is a one-of-a-kind work of art inspired by the corresponding scientific metadata for that planet. By design, the best artistic characteristic for each planet may be the human point of view. The view is said to be as if you are standing close-to and in front of your very own planet.
XOplanet NFTs open a world of new possibilities
ETH payouts and airdops
Xplorers who complete Celestial Challenges will immediately be paid out ETH rewards or receive XOplanets airdrops upon verification. New Challenges will be regularly announced, giving holders ample opportunity to buy and trade XOplanets to complete their collections. Check out our list of current rewards!
Cosmic Community
XOplanet NFT includes membership in our Cosmic Community. Access to a private Discord channel puts you in touch with like-minded, planet-owning people.
XOplanets Swag
Your stunning XOplanet will not just exist in the digital realm! Holders will be eligible to receive exclusive merch, including shirts, hats, posters, and eventually (scaled down) physical replicas of their XOplanets. All XOplanets garments will be crafted from the highest-quality materials and built to last an eternity.
A Cut of Revenue
In Phase IV of the XOplanets roadmap, we will be unveiling a revenue-split mechanism that rewards XOplanets holders with a percentage of proceeds from sales of the collection. The more planets you hold, the higher the rewards!
Do Some Good
3% of net sales donated to Starlight Children’s Foundation. 3% of net sales donated to SETI Institute
Global Intellectual Property Rights
You own something no one else in this world does. And the sky (actually universe) is the limit on what you can do. What about a cameo appearance of your XOplanet in your own YouTube video or Academy Award winning motion picture? Merchandise - cups, t-shirts, fuzzy slippers, anyone?
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s an NFT?
NFT stands for “non-fungible token.” An NFT (or nifty – pronounced ‘nefty’) is a digital asset that links ownership to unique physical or digital items, such as works of art – in this case, XOplanets. The artwork for each XOplanet is one-of-a-kind. The token acts as a virtual deed, conveying ownership of the asset on the Blockchain. What’s a blockchain? The name comes from the literal application – “Chain of Blocks.’ In a blockchain network, token transactions are recorded in batches called “blocks” that are “hashed.” This hash creates a digital fingerprint of the block. Each block includes the hash of the prior block, which aligns one block with another. This system protects the integrity of the transaction in that it cannot be altered, deleted, or destroyed.
Will I actually own my planet?
Nobody can actually “own” a planet. However, you will own the intellectual property rights to your XOplanet NFT artwork, which means you can use ownership any way you prefer. Here are some examples: Creative marketing strategies for business, merchandise, profile pictures, etc.
What are the rarities of each Exoplanet?
XOplanets NFTs are based on real NASA metadata. Some systems, like the TRAPPIST-1 system, may be capable of hosting life, and thus are extremely rare. There are only 277 planets with host stars visible to the naked eye from Earth, making them elusive to collect as well. You can find planet traits and rarities on our website gallery metadata (once the entire collection is minted) or visit https://exoplanets.nasa.gov to learn more about various exoplanets and their traits.
What can I do with my XOplanet?
Your XOplanet will serve as a membership pass to our Cosmic Community, and collecting multiple XOplanets will allow you to complete Celestial Challenges and win direct ETH payouts, rare NFT airdrops, and even a cut of future XOplanets revenues! In addition, you can hold, trade, sell or give it as a gift. You can use it on social media or for your own projects – you own it, so use it as you will.
Who is the Team?
The team is a combination of experts interested in everything outer space. For more than 44 years, the Founder found interest in worlds beyond. Driven by his personal interest in outer space, space travel, Ufology, aliens, extraterrestrial sightings, the Nola Labs’ Visionary combined his interests with a newfound interest in NFT’s. Thus, the development of Cosmic NFT transactions. Current Team Members are located in Miami, Atlanta, Seattle, Manchester-Great Britain, Czech Republic and Rotterdam to provide around the world, 24-hour answers to your questions … or just for a chat. Team talent includes Artiffine, Artonar, Digital Equation, Firecask, Go2Group and Gring Marketing Solutions.
When is the launch?
Phase I launched on October 05th 2022, and the first 81 XOplanets NFTs were revealed and minted. Phase II will be launching very soon, with a free mint of 1,500 NFTs based on a referral system, 1,000 NFTs available for public mint, and Celestial Challenges for you to win BIG REWARDS.
How do I mint an XOplanet?
You can mint an XOplanet via our website using ETH or Credit Cards.
Alternatively, you can find someone with a referral and mint 1x XOplanet for FREE! If you refer 2 more friends, you can mint 2 more NFTs for free. If you need a referral, ask on Twitter or Discord #referrals channel: https://discord.gg/czmerPb9Ej
How many can you mint?
You can mint 3x XOplanets for free with a referral (1x for the referral, 1x for each of 2 friends you refer). You can public mint as many XOplanets as you want, 10 per wallet transfer or credit card transaction.
How many XOplanets will be minted?
5,069 XOplanets are currently in the roadmap and more will be added for future drops. As NASA slowly confirms more exoplanets, additional XOplanets NFTs will be created.
What does a higher Discord rank get me?
Higher level Discord members get access to exclusive channels and various other benefits. https://discord.gg/czmerPb9Ej
What is the XOplanet OpenSea link?
Will there be more XOplanets?
New exoplanets are being confirmed monthly, so we may expand our XOplanet collection and update Cosmic Community members and social media followers as Nola Labs continues to grow and create.
What XOplanet NFTs Will Be the Most Coveted?
People buy NFT works-of-art for many reasons. There may be as many reasons to purchase an XOplanet NFT as there are discovered exoplanets. In the 1878 novel, Molly Bawn, the author, Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, wrote, “It is an old axiom and well said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” XOplanets can be held, sold, or traded and isn’t that where some of the fun begins?
How do I purchase?
Credit Card
Visa, MasterCard, Apple Pay and Google Pay accepted note: a credit card fee of 3% to 6 % will be added to the purchase price Nola Labs’ 3rd party purchase transaction service is provided by Crossmint https://crossmint.io. When you provide credit card info and your email address to Crossmint, a wallet will be automatically created. As an additional benefit, you can access your NFT from anywhere by logging on to the crossmint website. If desired, you can export your NFT to your own wallet at no added charge. A crytocurrency wallet is not required to purchase with a credit card. Ether (ETH)
To purchase an XOplanet with Ether cryptocurrency, you must first have a crypto wallet.
Note: gas fees will be added to the cost of the NFT. Should you wish to sell your XOplanet NFT, you can list it for sale on 3rd party NFT Marketplaces.
What will I receive when I buy an XOplanet?
One-of-a-kind generative art with movement, as well as trait and rarity data on XOplanet(s) you purchased.
Fun Facts
There are more planets than stars in the universe.
NASA claims to have identified lava worlds covered in molten seas and puffy planets the density of Styrofoam.
There’s a Goldilocks Zone of planets – not too hot, not too cold… are they just right for life?
Roadmap for Cosmic Community
As an owner of an XOplanet NFT, you’re instantly a member of our Cosmic Community! You’ll enjoy exclusive benefits and freebies such as: periodic air drops of free NFTs, whitelist (WL) opportunities on collection expansions and unique offerings.
Check out our roadmap below because we’ve got big plans for an out-of-this-world future. Travel the Nola Labs’ superhighway filled with milestones and benefits as we journey through new territory together in the Cosmos.
The first 81 XOplanets are unleashed into the universe!
Phase I Genesis Holders automatically get priority access to all current and future XOplanets benefits without exception.
The next 1,500 XOplanets are now available as free mints through referrals.
An additional 1,000 XOplanets are available for public mint!
Celestial Challenges blast into the stratosphere! Direct ETH rewards are paid out and NFTs airdropped immediately upon verification of challenge completion.
The Cosmic Community is launched!
The next 1,000 XOplanets are available for public mint!
The first batch of Intergalactic Airdrops are transmitted at light speed to XOplanets holders.
The next 1,000 XOplanets are available for public mint!
The first generation of XOplanets Merch is released!
The Revenue Split Program is activated and sends percentages of proceeds to the top 20 Xplorers who hold the most XOplanet NFTs.
The XOplanets metaverse is unveiled!
Future space-themed collections are launched, with XOplanets holders gaining priority access, airdrops, and free mint privileges to each and every Nola Labs drop.
Return to this site again and again for ‘out of this world’ details about our progress.